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30 min read

TL;DR Knowledge is the meat of IT companies. Know-how, architecture, software and DevOps technologies, data, etc. When experienced employees leave, they take their knowledge and experience with them. New employees are hard to find and need time before they learn the skills enough to fill that gap. This poses considerable risks for the continuity and efficiency of any high-tech company and its ability to stay relevant and competitive on the modern market of IT-services. So, knowledge sharing should be very important for IT companies, right? Right.

And what about us, developers? Is our primary motivation in life keeping afloat the company that employs us? You bet it's not! For most of us, especially young and ambitious, it is much much more personal. Apart from a good salary, it could be fun at work, exciting and challenging tasks, problem solving, professional growth by learning new technologies, being part of a great team, and of course keeping our families happy. If we fail to satisfy our personal needs as developers with the present company, how long will it take before we start looking for new opportunities? 馃槈

So, while knowledge sharing has become a crucial survival factor for each IT company, the question is: are we doing it right or is there anything important we are missing? My view is that while the formal knowledge sharing process within a company may be well organized, we often overlook something very important: the personal and social side of it and its impact on the efficiency of the development process.

This article applies to developers of any kind, frontend and backend, as all of them can profit from knowledge sharing. However, the Missing Part is probably more applicable to big enterprise level organizations than to small startup companies, which use those types of knowledge sharing techniques anyway.

6 min read

TL;DR Recently I have switched from Jekyll to Docusaurus for my personal website. And immediately noticed the issue with letting the visitors place comments to blog posts. It seems that the comments work out of the box only for Facebook comments and then only if one has a registered FB business site (according to this PR). Searching on adding e.g. Disqus blog comments in Docusaurus brought back more questions than answers. (see some references at the end of this post)

The closest I could get to the solution was How to add forum to Docusaurus using Utterances comments via GitHub issues. I got the gist but the vendor binding was too big to my taste.

So, I have made my own go on this issue and finally succeeded in adding the Disqus blog comments to my Docusaurus blog. In this blog post you can see them in action and also read how I did it. I hope it might help some of you to do the same on yours.

UPDATED July 12, 2022

The code examples are compatible with Docusaurus 2.0.0-beta.16 and higher

4 min read

TL;DR Many of us have Disqus account to be able to place comments on those blogs which use Disqus comments widget for that. Because placing comments often requires being logged in. Of course, you can also log in with your Twitter or Facebook account. What is nice of Disqus optioin is that it keeps track of all your comments placed anywhere.

Sometimes however we want to add Disqus comments to our own blog and that requires another type of registration: that of our weblog itself. In this article, I share how this can be done. It may be helpful for those of you who got lost on the Disqus website searching for clues. 馃槂

5 min read

TL;DR When I started learning Gatsby, I wanted to understand the magic of GraphQL queries passing their results back to the React component. My secondary focus was to use React functional components instead of React class components as much as possible. In this blogpost, I have summarized my findings.

Most of the information comes from Gatsby Documentation and from my personal test projects.

8 min read

TL;DR When I came across the Storybook project as a way to create a standard design system, I have very quickly realized that many of the code snippets in the official documentation don't work out of the box if using Typescript. My focus however was on setting up the Storybook DocsPage + MDX and Storybook Notes + Markdown with Typescript. In this blog post you can read how I got everything working. First, Notes with Markdown. Then DocsPage with MDX.

12 min read

TL;DR In this blog post, I share my personal story of how I discovered web development and came to passionately love it. Also about my mistakes and misconceptions along the way. It is not about the "ultimate truth" but rather about my personal observations and conclusions.

So, it will probably be more interesting to you if you are now in a similar situation to the one I was in at the beginning of the way. It was a long way and it took me at least a year to come to realize what web development was all about. I will be very happy if my story helps you to shorten yours. 馃槂

And, of course, your comments are more than welcome.